How to Update Google Plus by SMS
In one of our last posts we discussed about receiving updates from Google Plus via SMS. In this post we will see how can anyone update Google Plus Stream by sending a SMS. Right Now this service is available only for Indian users but if you live else where like USA or UK then you will have to wait for this service to get available in your region in order to use it.
First of all you will need to verify your mobile number with Google Plus. If you don’t know how to do that then you must read our tutorial on how to setup SMS Notifications in Google+ . After verifying your mobile number with Google+ you will see instructions on how you can update Google plus by sending SMS right on the page on which you verified your mobile number. Below is a screenshot:
By default all the SMS send are displayed to all your circles. Here are some tricks that with the use of which you can customize the recipients of your updates.
- @[circle name] – By appending this option to your SMS, you can specify a circle with which you want to share your update. A simple example of this will be “Hi I am just leaving Facebook to join Google plus – Cool @Friends”. This post will be shared to all the people who are in your Friends Circle.
- @extended – With the use of this extension, you can easily share your post with those who have you in their circles and with those who are publicly viewable on the profile of the former people.
- @[email address] – If you want to share something with a single person, you can do it by using an email address as a SMS option. For example:- “Just close Twitter Account – Google Plus is more interesting”
- @public – This makes your stream update publicly accessible.