In Facebook there is a tool which can be said as the most powerful tool among all the social networking utilities of facebook. “Notifications” are something in facebook that every one is fond of. Whenever you get a new notification it is displayed right on your Facebook Homepage. Almost similar concepts of Notifications is also integrated into Google Plus.
In order to view all the Facebook like Notifications in Google Plus you will need to click the Notifications icon that appears in the Top right side of your HomePage. This icon glows red and displays the number of notifications whenever available and remain grayish when no notifications are there. In order to view all your Google Plus notifications you will need to click the notifications button and then click View all link.
We must also know what does Notification means in Social Networking websites. Basically whether you are using Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Orkut or Google Plus – notifications are everywhere. In plain English, notifications are those activities of your friends or those who are in your circles which are of utmost importance to you. These notifications are automatically detected by Social Media websites and displayed to you. In some websites like Facebook and Google Plus you can also setup SMS notifications and receive a SMS whenever any notification is available. Although Email notifications are always available in almost every Social Networking website but receiving real time notifications as SMS is altogether a different experience.